Members & Candidates (In-Person)

Action required (see below).

Members should have received their packets via email. Please reference that communication in order to download and review your packet prior to and at the meeting. You can also pick up a physical copy at our Scotch Plains location during business hours, and also at our Woodbridge location on Sundays after service.

Non-Members & Online Viewing Only

No further action required.

Only Members that attend in person are able to participate during the meeting. However, you are welcomed to attend in person or view the meeting online. If you’re interested in becoming a member, click the link below for more information.

How to Become a Member

Unsure of your membership status, or want to submit your application? Click the button for more information.


Download your Membership Packet

Members, please reference your email to download the packet electronically. If you’re unable to do so, you can pick up a hard copy on Sundays at either locations or during weekly business hours in Scotch Plains. 


Submit Your Questions

Have any questions? Click the button below to submit it now. This will help us tremendously in preparing for the meeting and addressing all your comments or concerns.

Submit Questions Here



Each member who is attending the meeting must check-in. The day of the meeting you can visit one of the kiosks in the main lobby at Scotch Plains.

If you have a question during the meeting and you are a:
  1. Member (In-Person): You can ask your questions during the designated time of the meeting, or you can submit your questions ahead of time at the link provided in the “Prior to Meeting” section.
  2. Non-Member (In-Person or Online): Non-members are not permitted to ask questions during the meeting, however you are still welcomed to attend to hear about all that God has in store for the upcoming year.