Pastoral Counseling Ministry provides opportunities for unique pastoral investment often during very decisive stages in one’s spiritual life journey. While blessed with a highly qualified pastoral staff, our team recognizes and respects the valuable gifts of professional Christian counselors in our region. We have, therefore, developed an expanding network of qualified counseling services. This partnership, when employed, has proven to be invaluable.

To request pastoral counseling, click below to complete and submit a request form. For more information, contact the church office at (908) 322-9300.

Request Counseling



We all go through times in our lives where life becomes challenging. In those times we may need someone to come alongside us and help us to push through. That may be a pastor, or a close friend, or mentor. But sometimes, we need a bit more. When more help is needed, we want to connect you with the best possible Christian counselor for your situation. Click below for more info and for a list of counselors that we’ve gathered. If you need further assistance, email us at

Counselor List


Weekly during Spring & Fall (13 weeks)

Death is a painful experience and the loss of a loved one can feel like the end of the world. GriefShare is a support group created to help you face this challenge and move towards finding hope. Groups are lead and attended by other people who have gone through and are going through similar loss in their lives.
For more information please contact griefshare@evangelchurch.

Sign Up


Celebrate Recovery meets on Mondays at 7PM.
What is Celebrate Recovery? Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered recovery program based on the Beatitudes. The purpose of CR is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the 12 steps and 8 recovery principles. By applying these principles, we experience freedom from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, creating peace, serenity, joy and a stronger personal relationship with God and others. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to share struggles and a place where we can take off our masks; it’s a place where you hear the words, “Nobody walks alone.”

For more information, contact Pastor Ken at



At present, we are evaluating our ministry to divorced persons. Check back periodically for updates. If you need immediate divorce care support, go to



The Visitation Team partners with the Church Staff in providing regular opportunities for fellowship and ministry to members who are no longer able to regularly attend services or campus-based activities. The Team may also assist in times of medical emergencies or general hospitalization.

For more information, contact the church office at (908) 322-9300, or email

Get in touch
If you have any needs or questions please call the church office at (908) 322-9300 or email us below.

Contact Us

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